Wednesday, December 1, 2010

4 S Road Map -Scope - Seek -Solve- Sustain

In this section we will try to understand the first stage of Six Sigma , Scope Stage.At this stage a project is defined .The business issue is defined, here project deliverables are proposed. They Include: 
1.    Project charter
2.    Problem Statement
3.    Business requirements
4.    SIPOC 
Focused on high-priority process-related business problems
Measurable goals directly linked to service and quality
Deal with a process problem without a knowing the solution .This may involve defects, process capability.
Scope should be focused by Narrowing:
Focus on one plant issue rather than the plant wide issue.
Limit to one problem

At first what we need to do is to understand voice of the customer(VOC).
In this stage below deliverables are obtained
Identify VOC- Voice of customer
Identify CTQ-Critical to quality
Performance Standards
Prioritization of targets

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lean Six Sigma

The core idea of Lean manufacturing is to focus on  customer value while minimizing waste.Lean means creating more value for customers with less inputs.
In a lean system an organization understands customer value and focuses on to meet customer satisfaction. The ultimate goal lean is to provide customer satisfaction by increasing value of products and reducing cost by improving process with zero waste.
Lean thinking changes the focus of management from old management style to optimizing current technologies. This will include optimizing the flow of products and services through entire value streams that flow to customers.

Eliminating waste from the entire value streams, instead of single points, creates a  processes that contributes less human effort, less space, less capital, and less time to make products and services at fewer costs and with much fewer defects, which will delight the customer.